3 research outputs found

    Human-Machine Interface for Remote Training of Robot Tasks

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    Regardless of their industrial or research application, the streamlining of robot operations is limited by the proximity of experienced users to the actual hardware. Be it massive open online robotics courses, crowd-sourcing of robot task training, or remote research on massive robot farms for machine learning, the need to create an apt remote Human-Machine Interface is quite prevalent. The paper at hand proposes a novel solution to the programming/training of remote robots employing an intuitive and accurate user-interface which offers all the benefits of working with real robots without imposing delays and inefficiency. The system includes: a vision-based 3D hand detection and gesture recognition subsystem, a simulated digital twin of a robot as visual feedback, and the "remote" robot learning/executing trajectories using dynamic motion primitives. Our results indicate that the system is a promising solution to the problem of remote training of robot tasks.Comment: Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques - IST201

    Long Term Forecasting of Industrial Electricity Consumption Data With GRU, LSTM and Multiple Linear Regression

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    Accurate long-term energy consumption forecasting of industrial entities is of interest to distribution companies as it can potentially help reduce their churn and offer support in decision making when hedging. This thesis work presents different methods to forecast the energy consumption for industrial entities over a long time prediction horizon of 1 year. Notably, it includes experimentations with two variants of the Recurrent Neural Networks, namely Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM). Their performance is compared against traditional approaches namely Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA). Further on, the investigation focuses on tailoring the Recurrent Neural Network model to improve the performance. The experiments focus on the impact of different model architectures. Secondly, it focuses on testing the effect of time-related feature selection as an additional input to the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) networks. Specifically, it explored how traditional methods such as Exploratory Data Analysis, Autocorrelation, and Partial Autocorrelation Functions Plots can contribute to the performance of RNN model. The current work shows through an empirical study on three industrial datasets that GRU architecture is a powerful method for the long-term forecasting task which outperforms LSTM on certain scenarios. In comparison to the MLR model, the RNN achieved a reduction in the RMSE between 5% up to to 10%. The most important findings include: (i) GRU architecture outperforms LSTM on industrial energy consumption datasets when compared against a lower number of hidden units. Also, GRU outperforms LSTM on certain datasets, regardless of the choice units number; (ii) RNN variants yield a better accuracy than statistical or regression models; (iii) using ACF and PACF as dicovery tools in the feature selection process is unconclusive and unefficient when aiming for a general model; (iv) using deterministic features (such as day of the year, day of the month) has limited effects on improving the deep learning model’s performance. Noggranna lĂ„ngsiktiga energiprognosprognoser för industriella enheter Ă€r av intresse för distributionsföretag eftersom det potentiellt kan bidra till att minska deras churn och erbjuda stöd i beslutsfattandet vid sĂ€kring. Detta avhandlingsarbete presenterar olika metoder för att prognostisera energiförbrukningen för industriella enheter under en lĂ„ng tids förutsĂ€gelsehorisont pĂ„ 1 Ă„r. I synnerhet inkluderar det experiment med tvĂ„ varianter av de Ă„terkommande neurala nĂ€tverken, nĂ€mligen GRU och LSTM. Deras prestanda jĂ€mförs med traditionella metoder, nĂ€mligen MLR och SARIMA. Vidare fokuserar undersökningen pĂ„ att skrĂ€ddarsy modellen för Ă„terkommande neurala nĂ€tverk för att förbĂ€ttra prestanda. Experimenten fokuserar pĂ„ effekterna av olika modellarkitekturer. För det andra fokuserar den pĂ„ att testa effekten av tidsrelaterat funktionsval som en extra ingĂ„ng till RNN -nĂ€tverk. Specifikt undersökte den hur traditionella metoder som Exploratory Data Analysis, Autocorrelation och Partial Autocorrelation Funtions Plots kan bidra till prestanda för RNN -modellen. Det aktuella arbetet visar genom en empirisk studie av tre industriella datamĂ€ngder att GRU -arkitektur Ă€r en kraftfull metod för den lĂ„ngsiktiga prognosuppgiften som övertrĂ€ffar ac LSTM pĂ„ vissa scenarier. JĂ€mfört med MLR -modellen uppnĂ„dde RNN en minskning av RMSE mellan 5 % upp till 10 %. De viktigaste resultaten inkluderar: (i) GRU -arkitekturen övertrĂ€ffar LSTM pĂ„ datauppsĂ€ttningar för industriell energiförbrukning jĂ€mfört med ett lĂ€gre antal dolda enheter. GRU övertrĂ€ffar ocksĂ„ LSTM pĂ„ vissa datauppsĂ€ttningar, oavsett antalet valenheter; (ii) RNN -varianter ger bĂ€ttre noggrannhet Ă€n statistiska modeller eller regressionsmodeller; (iii) att anvĂ€nda ACF och PACF som verktyg för upptĂ€ckt i funktionsvalsprocessen Ă€r otydligt och ineffektivt nĂ€r man siktar pĂ„ en allmĂ€n modell; (iv) att anvĂ€nda deterministiska funktioner (t.ex. Ă„rets dag, mĂ„nadsdagen) har begrĂ€nsade effekter pĂ„ att förbĂ€ttra djupinlĂ€rningsmodellens prestanda

    Human-machine interface for remote training of robot tasks

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